Full-service-leverandør til central- og fjernvarme Stort udvalg af fleksible og faste rørsystemer
Stort udvalg af fleksible og faste rørsystemer

Eksempler på anvendelse til central- og fjernvarme


  • Projekt FLEXSTAR Tyskland, 2023

    Tilslutning af en varmepumpe ved hjælp af FLEXSTAR

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  • FLEXSTAR biogasanlægsprojekt, Veigy-Foncenex, Frankrig, 2023 (engelsk)

    In the French twin municipality of Veigy-Foncenex, a reliable pipe system was to be laid for a biogas plant near Lake Geneva. The biogas site was founded five years ago, and a new building was added in 2023. A local heating pipeline with our FLEXSTAR UNO pipes was installed to ensure a flawless energy supply for the new part of the building. 

    Two rings of FLEXSTAR UNO, each 200 metres long, were supplied and laid for this construction project. The aim was to connect the pre-pit of the biogas plant with the boiler room. The construction work took a total of two months, whereby the actual laying of the pipes was completed within two days.  

    The most important construction stages were the construction of a new building and the laying of the pipes under the floor slab. In the first stage, the pipes were laid in the new building before the concrete slab was poured. The next stage involved laying the trench to the boiler room. Thanks to the good weather and the easy handling of the FLEXSTAR pipes, the installation was simple and uncomplicated. Now the biogas plant can supply the region even better with renewable energy in the future. 

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  • CALPEX PUR-KING/CASAFLEX projekt San Bernandino, Schweiz, 2024

    I San Bernardino i kantonen Graubünden blev der gennemført et innovativt fjernvarmeprojekt for Centro Manutenzioni. Projektet omfattede lægning af CALPEX- og CASAFLEX-kabler for at forsyne den nye brandstationsbygning med bæredygtig energi.

    Byggearbejdet begyndte i september 2024 og blev udført i flere etaper. CALPEX PUR-KING blev lagt i dimensionerne 75+75/202 (DN 65) og 63+63/182 (DN 50) over en længde på 48 meter. Disse CALPEX-ledninger har til opgave at forsyne bygningen med varme, varmt vand og køling ved hjælp af to varmepumper.

    CASAFLEX UNO med en længde på 86 meter og dimensionen DN 65 blev brugt til regenerering af sonder, der opvarmes af solfangere. Disse sonder er specielt designet til at udnytte vedvarende energi.
    En af de største udfordringer ved dette projekt var den præcise koordinering af monteringsarbejdet på grund af den krævende topografi og de specifikke krav til solfangerne og varmepumperne. Takket være det tætte samarbejde med ingeniørfirmaet og de involverede partnere blev projektet afsluttet til tiden.

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  • CALPEX PUR-KING-projektet Mettmenstetten, Schweiz, 2024

    Vi lagde 250 meter af vores rør CALPEX PUR-KING i en hus-til-husforbindelse til det nye byggeområde på grundskolen i Mettmenstetten. Takket være den enestående isoleringsevne er røret en optimal løsning til både lokal- og fjernvarme, hvilket sikrer en effektiv varmeforsyning med lavt tab.

    Byggepladsen lå på skolens område i Mettmenstetten og omfattede lægning af et CALPEX DUO-rør til varmeforsyningen. Den særlige udfordring var at trække det 250 meter lange rør sikkert ind i ét stykke og med fem på hinanden følgende bøjningsradier uden at beskadige røret. Vores nye kabelspil på larvefødder viste sig at være yderst nyttigt her, da det kunne flyttes fleksibelt til det nødvendige sted og dermed muliggøre indføring i den optimale vinkel.

    Vi havde særlig fokus på skolebørnenes sikkerhed og sørgede for, at ingen uautoriserede personer kom ind i farezonen. Vores fagfolk justerede omhyggeligt rørene og sørgede for, at alt var optimalt forbundet.

    Takket være CALPEX PUR-KINGs høje isoleringsevne og holdbarhed kunne vi installere et energieffektivt system, der på pålidelig vis vil forsyne den fremtidige bygning med varme.

    På trods af alle forholdene og den igangværende undervisning gik placeringen af rørene glat takket være vores erfarne team.

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  • CALPEX PUR-KING projekt Lostorf, Switzerland, 2024 (engelsk)

    We installed our highest-quality PEX pipe system CALPEX PUR-KING in the Swiss municipality of Lostorf for our customer, the building technology association suissetec. Together with our partner, we installed a district heating network with the best thermal insulation, which now connects the existing local heating network with the new building.

    The construction site took place at the suissetec Campus, the suissetec training centre, on Grundstrasse in Lostorf. We installed a total of four pipes for the new building. We installed two pipes each for the flow and return of the district heating network in the dimension DN 100 with an inner diameter of 110 mm and an outer diameter of 202 mm.

    The coordination between logistics and assembly went smoothly and without any loss of working time, despite two drums. While the first drum was being delivered and unwound, the transport lorry drove back to Kleindöttingen to pick up the second load. Meanwhile, our fitters aligned the pipes in the trench and prepared the house connections. The second drum was then delivered, the pipes unloaded, aligned in the trench, connected to the existing pipes and insulated.

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  • CALPEX PUR-KING projekt Aegust on Albis, Schweiz, 2024 (engelsk)

    In the Swiss municipality of Aeugst on Albis, we installed our highly insulated CALPEX PUR-KING pipe system for the Götschihof energy network. Together with our partner Builcon Energie AG, we installed an efficient district heating network for the future operation of the local energy systems and residential properties of the Swiss National Donation and the Solvita Foundation's residential home.

    An energy network will be created at Götschihof. This will consist of a biogas plant, a combined heat and power plant, several photovoltaic systems and a wood chip heating system. We constructed the necessary district heating pipeline in rural Aeugstertal to connect these individual energy generators.

    Our fitters laid four CALPEX PUR-KING pipes in the shortest possible time. The dimensions installed were DN 40, DN 50, DN 63 and DN 68. The longest section was 113 metres from the woodchip heating system to the second-largest heat distributor with photovoltaic system. Another shorter pipe was installed between the two almost completed photovoltaic systems. Our team then successfully installed four house entry bends under the floor slab in the new central building.

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  • CALPEX PUR-KING projekt Riehen, Fondation Beyeler, Schweiz, 2023 (engelsk)

    In the canton of Basel-Stadt, an efficient pipe was laid in the village of Riehen for the Fondation Beyeler, the internationally renowned museum of modern and contemporary art. Our best-insulated CALPEX pipe was used to supply the new museum building with district heating and cooling in the future.

    Construction work began in November 2023 and extended over three stages. A total CALPEX pipe length of approx. 800 metres was installed in the project. The aim of the work was to connect the new museum building with the pavilion and connect it to an existing district heating network. A special feature of the project was the production of a special part. This was a ventilation system, which was agreed with the customer before construction work began and installed accordingly. During the construction work, the customised part had to be slightly adjusted on site by the regional welder.

    One of the biggest challenges in the CALPEX project, in addition to the complex construction of the customised product, was the terrain next to the new museum building. In order to protect the large old trees, the pipes had to be laid carefully in the trench - which our fitters mastered in exemplary fashion.

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  • CALPEX PUR-KING projekt, Attiswill, Schweiz, 2018


    I kommunen Attiswill i Bern blev tre lejlighedskomplekser forbundet via et varmenetværk. Borgerne i lokalsamfundet leverer selv råmaterialet til centralvarmesystemet - træ fra den nærliggende skov.


    Umiddelbart inden rejsegildet, skulle CALPEX røret lægges ved en temperatur omkring frysepunktet. Ekstra forholdsregler, som forvarmning af CALPEX røret, var med til at sikre, at røret kunne installeres uden problemer. Rolf Steffen, som er teamleder hos Alpiq AG er meget tilfreds, nu hvor CALPEX røret er blevet lagt succesfuldt. ”Projektet har demonstreret et velfungerende samarbejde mellem montøren, Meier Tobler, og BRUGG Rohrsystem AG lige fra planlægningsfasen og helt frem til eksekveringen. Det er præcist sådan, jeg forestiller mig et teamwork skal være.”

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  • CASAFLEX-projekt Grächen, Schweiz, 2024

    For vores kunde Lauber IWISA lagde vi 70 meter CASAFLEX CFL 60+60/162 i Chinnumatta, Grächen, mere end 1.600 m over havets overflade. Med denne installation kunne vi sikre en pålidelig og effektiv varmeforsyning under ekstreme forhold.

    Installationen blev udført i ekstremt stejlt terræn, hvilket stillede høje krav til teknologien og teamet. Takket være vores nye larvebåndsspil var det muligt at placere rørene præcist og sikkert på trods af alle vanskelighederne. CASAFLEX-rørsystemets fleksible og robuste design gjorde installationen endnu nemmere og minimerede risikoen for skader, selv under vanskelige forhold.

    Projektet blev gennemført i tæt samarbejde med vores kunde Lauber IWISA. Vores team mestrede de logistiske udfordringer gennem omhyggelig planlægning og brug af den nyeste teknologi.

    På trods af det krævende miljø blev installationen afsluttet til tiden og til kundens fulde tilfredshed. Den nye rørledning sikrer nu en bæredygtig varmeforsyning med lavt tab i denne højde.

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  • CASAFLEX-projekt fjernvarmenetværk Kirchleerau, Schweiz, 2023

    Vi har installeret en fjernvarmeledning langs Dorfstrasse til varmenettet i den schweiziske kommune Kirchleerau. Vores fleksible og omkostningseffektive CASAFLEX-rørsystem blev brugt i flere byggefaser, så nabohusene kunne kobles på det eksisterende varmenetværk.

    I løbet af flere byggefaser installerede vi en fjernvarmeledning med en længde på 1,8 km til vores kunder. Energien kommer fra et centralt forbrændingsanlæg til træflis.

    Vores alsidige CASAFLEX-rør og specialudviklede formdele blev installeret til de lange afstande og smalle husgennemføringer. De trange pladsforhold på stedet var ingen hindring for os, så rørene kunne nemt vikles af tromlen og justeres i udgravningen.

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  • CASAFLEX-projekt St. Moritz, Schweiz, 2023 (engelsk)

    For the world-famous Swiss municipality of St. Moritz, we installed a connecting line in a quick night operation. Our flexible and cost-effective CASAFLEX pipe was successfully installed between the Scala cinema and the Kulm Hotel, which has a heat generator.

    Since the road could not be closed during the day, the installation had to be moved to the night. From 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM, our installers were actively working in the trench and laid the CASAFLEX pipe in record time.

    After installation, the trench was immediately closed so that the road could be reopened to traffic the next day.

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  • CASAFLEX/PREMANT-projekt fjernvarmenetværk Zofingen, Schweiz, 2023

    Vores montører har installeret en effektiv fjernvarmeledning i den gamle bydel i Zofingen for kunden StWZ Energie AG.

    Til og med 2024 skal flere hustilslutninger forbindes til det eksisterende varmenetværk og sættes i drift ved hjælp af vores pålidelige CASAFLEX- og PREMANT-rørsystemer.

    I 2023 lød startskuddet i Zofingen til dette omfattende byggeprojekt. I den første fase blev vores faste PREMANT- og fleksible CASAFLEX DUO-rør installeret i de smalle gader i den gamle bydel.

    På grund af gadens beskaffenhed blev der udviklet yderligere formdele, som blev installeret i udgravningen efter kundens ønske.

    På trods af fysiske forhindringer er byggeprojektet skredet godt frem i de historiske omgivelser med hjælp fra vores dygtige montører.

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  • CASAFLEX/PREMANT-projekt fjernvarmenetværk Bassersdorf, Schweiz, 2023 (engelsk)

    For the client Hans Brun AG, our installers implemented an efficient district heating pipeline in the Swiss municipality of Bassersdorf in September 2023.

    In seven construction phases, our flexible CASAFLEX and rigid PREMANT pipe systems were used to connect a residential area with several highrise buildings to an existing heating.

    Within six weeks, we installed a district heating pipeline for 14 highrise buildings for the client. Given the limited time available for this project, we are particularly proud that our installers were able to complete all pipe installations within the allotted timeframe successfully.

    Our PREMANT pipes were used for long, straight sections, while our CASAFLEX pipes were used for house connections. The tight space constraints onsite did not pose an obstacle. With skill and experience, our team overcame these challenges, allowing the pipes to be easily uncoiled from the drum and aligned in the trench.

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  • CASAFLEX/PREMANT-projekt fjernvarmenetværk Carona, Ticino, Schweiz, 2023 (engelsk)

    In Carona, a small village in the popular Swiss canton of Ticino, an extensive district heating pipeline was laid from the heating plant to the centre of the village. Our reliable PREMANT UNO and CASAFLEX DUO pipes were used to optimise the supply of heat energy to the residents.

    The main heating network for Carona was built twelve years ago. Over the years, it has been repeatedly extended and expanded. In the course of these expansions, the largest construction phase was completed in 2019. We laid an extensive district heating pipeline from the heating centre to the village centre. Our rigid PREMANT UNO pipe was used for the straight pipeline. The flexible and bendable CASAFLEX DUO pipe, on the other hand, was mainly used in the centre of the village.

    The biggest challenge on site was the limited space in the old town centre. As the streets were not passable by lorry, our fitters parked the lorry outside the village centre and then pulled the CASAFLEX pipe over the winding streets to the trench. The laying of the pipes themselves has been a complete success so far.

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  • CASAFLEX/PREMANT-projekt varmenetværk Sachseln, Schweiz, 2023 (engelsk)

    In the diverse Swiss municipality of Sachseln, a district heating pipeline was laid near Lake Sarnersee for the local heating network. Our efficient CASAFLEX and PREMANT DUO pipes were used for the Flüelistrasse to ensure that the residents are supplied with sustainable energy in the future.  

    Construction work began in March 2023 and is still ongoing, as the construction project is part of a larger heating network. As a pipe constructor, we have already realised several projects for the customer together with the engineering office. The aim of this project was to connect Flüelistrasse to an existing district heating network. The energy released for the district heating pipeline is obtained from the combustion of wood chips. 

    As the Flüelistrasse connects the village of Sachseln with Flüeli-Ranft and the pilgrimage site there, it was important to minimise damage to the road. Our CASAFLEX and PREMANT DUO pipes have two inner pipes of the same size for the flow and return of thermal energy. As only one pipe was required per line instead of two, our fitters were efficient when laying the pipes. The biggest challenge in the construction project was installing the pipe at the Salzbrunnen bridge. Because the pipeline could not be installed above or below the bridge, it was necessary to attach it to the side of the Salzbrunnen bridge with special fastenings. 

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  • CASAFLEX/PREMANT-projekt Klausenstrasse, Bürglen, Schweiz, 2023 (engelsk)

    In the popular sports and recreation centre in Bürglen, a reliable and robust local heating pipeline from BRUGG Pipes was laid for Klausenstrasse for the local community. Our perfectly matched CASAFLEX and PREMANT pipes were used in this project to provide residents with a reliable supply of sustainable energy in the future.  

    Construction work began in March 2023 and lasted until July 2023. The aim was to lay a local heating pipeline for the school building and the surrounding residential buildings. The flexible CASAFLEX and the rigid PREMANT pipe system were used in several construction stages. In total, the fitters installed a route length of 400 metres during this construction phase. Approx. 1,700 metres are planned for the final expansion. 

    Important steps in this project included parking the lorry with the material, pulling and aligning the pipe in the trench and fitting the couplings. Our resistant PREMANT pipes were used for the transport line and the flexible CASAFLEX pipes were used for the house connections. A considerable challenge in the project was laying the pipeline from the power station up the steep mountainside to the main road. Despite the demanding gradient on site, our fitters mastered the individual construction stages with aplomb.  

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  • CASAFLEX/PREMANT-varmenetværksprojekt, Rothenthurm, Schweiz, 2023 (engelsk)

    In the foothills of the Swiss Alps, the municipality of Rothenthurm has decided to install a district heating pipeline. Many public and private buildings in the town are to be heated sustainably with a central heat source. Our compatible CASAFLEX and PREMANT pipes were used to provide the residents with an optimum energy supply in the future. 

    The construction project started in summer 2019 and involved laying a total length of up to six kilometres. Not only existing buildings, but also new flats will be connected to the heating network. Our rigid PREMANT pipes were used for long and straight sections. Flexible CASAFLEX pipes were used for the house connections.  

    In the first construction phase, the district heating pipeline was built from the new heating centre to the primary school building. The energy for the heating centre is supplied by an enormous wood boiler, in which heat is generated by burning wood chips and transported to the buildings through our pipes.  

    When carrying out the project, the trench along the roads had to be cleared in such a way that it caused as little disruption to road traffic as possible. Another challenge for the workers on the project was the electrical and water pipes already laid in the ground. The altitude of the construction site posed an additional challenge in winter, as the construction pits had to be kept clear of snow. 



  • FLEXWELL-FHK/CASAFLEX-projekt Rickenbach LU, Schweiz, 2024

    Projekt For kunden Sebastian Müller AG har vi sammen med vores partnere sørget for en pålidelig varmeforsyning til produktionsanlægget i industrizonen
    Bohler ved Rickenbach. I flere byggeetaper blev der anvendt flere FLEXWELL-FHK-rør og to CASAFLEX-rørsystemer for at sikre en fremtidssikret energiforsyning til anlægget.

    Vores FLEXWELL-FHK- og CASAFLEX-rør blev installeret med seks understøtninger på Bohlerstrasse for at forbinde kammervarme OMAG1 med undersationen SOWAR og grusbeholderen samt tilslutte dem til et eksisterende varmenet.

    De gennemførte understøtninger gjorde, at de mange eksisterende ledninger ikke udgjorde nogen hindring. Ved hjælp af denne teknik kunne vores montører optimalt føre og lægge ledningerne under flere bygninger.

    Vores FLEXWELL-FHK imponerer med sin robusthed og dobbeltvægget stålskjold med fremragende korrosionsbestandighed. Det er ideelt til transport af forskellige medier, da det kan modstå høje temperaturer og belastninger. CASAFLEX-røret er fleksibelt, klarer små bøjninger og omgår hindringer. Det kan modstå temperaturer op til 160°C og egner sig som hustilslutnings- eller forsyningsledning til fjern- og nærvarmenet.

    Nøgle til succes
    Det fremragende samarbejde med vores partnere, især med Stalder + Birrer AG (Reto Reinhard) som installatør og JOP Josef Ottiger + Partner AG (Daniel Höltschi) som ingeniør, var afgørende for projektets succes.

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  • FLEXWELL DHC-projekt Worblental-varmenetværk, Bern, Schweiz, 2024 (engelsk)

    We have successfully completed the expansion of the district heating network for our customer EBL (Genossenschaft Elektra Baselland) in the Swiss capital of Bern. With our extremely heavy-duty FLEXWELL DHC district heating pipeline, we have completed a crucial construction phase. Namely the connection between the municipality of Ittigen and the city of Bern. Our pipes were laid under the River Aare to supply the Worblental heating network with sustainable heat in the future.

    The project began immediately after Easter with the delivery of two of our FLEXWELL DHC pipes in the largest available dimension DN 150, which weighed an impressive 7.5 tons per pipe. With a casing diameter of 310 millimetres, a pipe length of 226 meters each was transported to Bern on two drums. Thanks to the use of a special transport with extra width, the pipes were also transported over narrow stretches of land.

    The construction site was managed thanks to the use of heavy machinery and six experienced fitters. A special mobile crane with a lifting capacity of 130 tons was used to unload the pipes. Another 60-tonne pneumatic crane lifted the drums into the pipe-laying trolley. Two of the FLEXWELL DHC district heating pipes were pulled from the starting trench on Arastrasse in Ittigen into the empty pipes and laid from there under the river up to Tiefenaustrasse in Bern using cable winches.

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  • FLEXWELL DHC-projekt Moosstrasse, Lengnau, Schweiz, 2023 (engelsk)

    The Burgergemeinde and the municipality of Lengnau in the Swiss canton of Bern are focussing on ecological and economical heating with their joint heating network called WärmeLengnau - with the aim of producing heat sustainably. Our durable FLEXWELL DHC steel casing pipe system was used in Moosstrasse to ensure that the town is optimally supplied with heat energy. 

    Since 2020, many new district heating pipes from BRUGG Pipes have already been reliably laid for the construction projects of the heating network in Lengnau. In September 2023, a district heating pipe was installed in Moosstrasse as part of these construction projects. The aim was to connect the flexible steel casing pipe to an existing heating centre in the shortest possible time so that public traffic was affected as little as possible. 

    The short time frame was a considerable challenge for our fitters on site, especially as a total of two FLEXWELL DHC pipes, each 134 metres long, were to be laid. Due to the time constraints, our workers had to unwind the pipes from the reel, straighten them, pull them into the trench and align them particularly quickly and efficiently. As the trench was very close to the road, it was also important to work extremely carefully within the cordoned-off areas when laying the pipes. Another challenge was finding the space for the bogie and ensuring access for the lorry with the drum. Despite the challenges, the installation went smoothly thanks to the hard work of our fitters. 

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  • FLEXWELL DHC-projekt Nürenbergstrasse, Zürich, Schweiz, 2023 (engelsk)

    In Zurich, the city with the highest population in Switzerland, a flexible and resistant district heating pipe from BRUGG Pipes was laid for Nürenbergstrasse under narrow conditions. Our FLEXWELL DHC steel casing pipe system was used to provide the residents of the building block with an optimum and sustainable supply of heat. 

    The construction project began in September 2023. The aim was to connect the flexible steel casing pipe to an existing pipeline and connect it to the building. The construction work took just three days, with the most important steps being the challenging pulling of the pipe into the trench and the pipe laying itself. Two FLEXWELL DHC pipes were used for this project. As the trench was close to a garden plot, it was important to lay the pipe extremely carefully. 

    At the construction site, there was hardly any parking space on Nürenbergstrasse for the lorry carrying the material, which is why the workers parked the lorry on the other road and then pulled the pipe across a green area to the trench. Another challenge was that no tractor unit could be used for digging. The fitters on site therefore worked increasingly with deflection pulleys to align the pipes underground and master the narrow bends - which they did perfectly. 

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  • FLEXWELL DHC-projekt Museum of Transport Lucerne, Schweiz, 2022 (engelsk)

    Insulated pipe systems at the Swiss Museum of Transport
    At Switzerland’s largest and most famous museum – the Swiss Museum of Transport located directly on Lake Lucerne – BRUGG Pipes collaborated on an amazing project together with Energie Wasser Luzern (ewl) in March 2022. The district heating and cooling lines connect the new energy centre of the new “House of Energy” multi-purpose building to the existing exhibition buildings through the outdoor area.

    Use of lake water as a modern and ecological source of heating and cooling in Lucerne.
    The system is located in the outdoor area of the museum, which is also open to visitors, so fast and efficient execution of the project was of utmost importance and central for all involved parties. Thanks to detailed project planning and coordination, the project went smoothly and was completed on schedule. Installation was carried out by our own installation team to the complete satisfaction of the customer.

    A special feature of this project was that the lake water in the immediate vicinity was used as an energy source and distributed with a heat pump. The lake has large heat and cold reserves that can be used ecologically. This is an inexpensive and renewable source of energy with low investment costs and low maintenance. Thanks to the energy from the lake, the use of fossil fuels can be greatly reduced, thereby minimising CO2 emissions. Since the energy is produced locally, long transport routes are not necessary and the added value stays in the region

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  • PREMANT-projekt Köln, Tyskland, 2024

    BRUGG Pipes leverede 1.400 meter PREMANT DN 350/500 mm og DN 250/500 Böhmer-kugleventiler med sideflangede gearkasser til Rheinenergie Köln til Masche Clouth-projektet i Köln i form af netværkskonsolidering i Florastrasse.
    Dette byggeprojekt tjener til at forstærke og ringforbinde det eksisterende forsyningsnet og sikre en mere pålidelig varmeforsyning i regionen.

    Projektet omfattede integration af de nye rør i en eksisterende DN 250-rørledning, hvilket krævede præcis planlægning og udførelse. Især installationen af de krævende støbte dele var en udfordring, men den blev løst takket være det tætte samarbejde med vores partnere, rørkonstruktionskonsortiet (bestående af virksomhederne Jansen og Haakshorst) og anlægsvirksomheden Jansen.

    De kugleventiler og fittings, vi leverede, var kendetegnet ved deres høje bæreevne og lette håndtering, hvilket betød, at installationen kunne udføres effektivt og uden forsinkelser. Billederne viser tydeligt integrationen af den nye rørledning i det eksisterende netværk.

    Med denne foranstaltning har Rheinenergie Köln ikke kun øget forsyningssikkerheden, men også skabt grundlaget for fremtidig netværksoptimering.

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  • PREMANT-projekt Buchs, Schweiz, 2024 (engelsk)

    Spectacular setting of a DN 350 siphon in Buchs SG

    In October 2024, BRUGG Pipes was part of an extraordinary and unique project in Buchs SG. Together with VfA Buchs, our company installed a new DN 350 pipeline (siphon) beneath Grünaustreet to establish an essential connection for the waste-to-energy plant (KVA).

    The pipeline installation became necessary due to a new construction project along Grünaustreet that obstructed the route of the existing pipeline. An above-ground solution was not feasible due to the lack of bridges and safety concerns. Instead, the pipeline, which supplies a critical heating circuit from the KVA to the distribution shaft at Grünaustreet, was routed underground through the Giessen canal.

    Use of advanced lifting technology
    To ensure the safe and precise placement of the pipeline, two 35-ton mobile cranes were utilized - a remarkable logistical feat rarely seen at this scale in Switzerland. This lifting solution enabled the seamless positioning of the siphon, even under the challenging conditions of crossing a waterway.

    Scope of supply and expertise by BRUGG Pipes
    BRUGG Pipes supported the project by supplying PREMANT pipe systems, including post-insulation services with specially designed INDUCON sleeves to ensure maximum tightness and longevity. Additionally, BRUGG Pipes took on the engineering and technical planning to guarantee that all requirements for energy efficiency and operational safety were optimally met.

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  • PREMANT-projekt fjernvarmeledning til Energie Ausserschwyz AG, Schweiz, 2023

    Vi installerede en omfattende fjernvarmerørledning mellem Altendorf og Pfäffikon SZ i området Lööliwald for kunden Energie Ausserschwyz AG.

    Vores faste PREMANT-rørsystem, der kan overvåges, blev installeret for at forsyne landsbyen Pfäffikon SZ med varme fra trækraftværket i Galgenen.

    En strækning på 1,8 kilometer blev installeret i forbindelse med projektet. Vores effektive PREMANT-rør med DN 200 D S3 blev brugt som hovedrørledning til at transportere den bæredygtige energi fra trækraftværket fra den ene landsby til den næste.
    For at spare tid blev PREMANT-ledningerne udbygget fra to sider. Det ene team startede i Pfäffikon og det andet i Altendorf.

    For at minimere forstyrrelser og indgreb i naturen blev 80 % af byggestrækningen forspændt termisk. Det betød, at vi næsten ikke skulle montere udvidelseselementer. Det var den største udfordring for planlægningen og koordineringen af byggeriet.

    Da det er nødvendigt med både en forsynings- og en returledning, installerede vores montører omkring 3,6 km PREMANT til dette projekt.

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  • PREMANT-projekt Ennetsee-varmenetværk, Inwil, Schweiz (engelsk)

    Near the Swiss municipality of Inwil, we laid our high-quality PREMANT pipes under the river and the motorway in order to provide the residents with an optimum supply of thermal energy in future and to drive forward the extensive expansion of the Ennetsee heating network.

    The construction project went through several stages. Together with the civil engineering department and the pipe installer, we expanded the 2.5-kilometre section. The energy for the heat supply comes from the Perlen waste incineration plant. The special feature of the construction site was that there was a section where the PREMANT pipes had to be laid under the A14 motorway and the Reuss. This was made possible using empty pipes, which were laid 350 metres under the motorway and the river using the flush drilling method. Our pipes were then pulled through these empty conduits, giving them optimum protection from external environmental influences.

    In this flush drilling process, two of our DN 250 pipe rods with a length of 16 metres were always transported onto a ramp and then gradually pulled into the empty pipes of the starting pit. The biggest challenge on the construction site was not only the time-consuming pulling of the supply and return pipes into the empty pipes, but also the welding and fitting of the sleeves. After the 16-metre pole had almost disappeared into the ground, the next pole was loaded onto the ramp at the same time. Connecting the two poles together was a challenging job that took over 20 days, especially as only four sleeves with welded seams could be created in one day. However, despite the challenges on site, our fitters successfully mastered these construction sites.

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  • PREMANT-projekt Bürglen, Schweiz 2023 (engelsk)

    In the popular sports and recreation centre in Bürglen, a reliable and robust local heating pipeline from BRUGG Pipes was laid for Klausenstrasse for the local community. Our perfectly matched CASAFLEX and PREMANT pipes were used in this project to provide residents with a reliable supply of sustainable energy in the future.

    Construction work began in March 2023 and lasted until July 2023. The aim was to lay a local heating pipeline for the school building and the surrounding residential buildings. The flexible CASAFLEX and the rigid PREMANT pipe system were used in several construction stages. In total, the fitters installed a route length of 400 metres during this construction phase. Approx. 1,700 metres are planned for the final expansion.

    Important steps in this project included parking the lorry with the material, pulling and aligning the pipe in the trench and fitting the couplings. Our resistant PREMANT pipes were used for the transport line and the flexible CASAFLEX pipes were used for the house connections. A considerable challenge in the project was laying the pipeline from the power station up the steep mountainside to the main road. Despite the demanding gradient on site, our fitters mastered the individual construction stages with aplomb.

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  • PREMANT-projekt DN 350, Sion, Schweiz, 2020

    Projekt CH-Sion  - 21 km PREMANT DN 350 rør

    Video (tysk)




  • PREMANT-projekt, stranden ved det Baltiske Hav, Heiligendamm, Tyskland 2017

    Fjernvarme på stranden ved det Baltiske HavDe lysende hvide bygninger langs stranden ved det Baltiske Hav har givet Heiligendamm tilnavnet ”den hvide by ved havet”. ”Perlerækken” af hvide bygninger er siden 2017 blevet forsynet af en nylagt fjernvarmeledning. Både gamle og nye fjernvarmeledninger løber her - en investering på i alt €1.1 million. PSP DN 200 røret blev forbundet til det eksisterende DN 250 plastikkapperør i nærheden af den snævre Molli-jernbane. German Pipe PREMANT rør og formstøbte dele blev leveret og lagt for at dække en længde på ca. 250 m. 

    Som sædvanlig var der andre forsyningsledninger, der skulle krydses. Statisk blev røret målt til 16 bar. Det var relativt nemt at placere de beregnede U- og Z-ekspanderer langs Kühlungsborner Straße. Da der blev anvendt vinkler på 1 x 2 m, var det ikke nødvendigt med monteringsmuffer. PREMANT og FLEXWELL.
    Situationen ændrede sig mellem spabygningen og Grand Hotel. Områderne mellem de tilstødende bygninger og stier var smalle, og det viste sig nødvendigt at anvende en anden metode. Det op til 110°C varme vand, flyder her i en dybde af indtil 4 m. Med BRUGG fjernvarmeledning DHC kunne denne sektion færdiggøres ved hjælp af horisontal boring og uden at skulle grave stier, parkeringspladser og græsplæner op. Skiftet fra PREMANT til FLEXWELL var afgørende i denne situation. Som resultat af det interne tryk på 16 bar er udvidelseskraften i enderne cirka 45 kN. For at absorbere dette tryk, blev der efterfølgende foretaget en statikmåling på PREMANT rørene og de formstøbte dele. 

    Noget af trykket absorberes af overfladefriktionen, som er på omtrent 4 kN/m. Størstedelen af modtrykket opnås dog ved hjælp af sidekompressionen via PSP-vinklerne mod jorden. FLEXWELL fjernvarmeledningens stålkappe hjælper også her, da den optager eller overfører noget af modtrykket. Den tredje og fjerde sektion gik fra Villa Perle, som blev totalrenoveret i 2013, til bagsiden af Hotel Residenz. Yderligere 600 m FLEXWELL 200/310 rør blev nedgravet kun afbrudt ved forbindelses- og skæringspunkter. Nogle rør blev lukket af for at etablere forbindelse til det eksisterende PSP-rør. Seks kugleventiler i et område på blot 20 m² gør det muligt at koble til igen på et senere tidspunkt. Projektet “FWN-Aufrüstung Heiligendamm – 1. bis 4. BA” (Heiligendamm fjernvarmeopgradering - anlægsfase 1 til 4) viser, hvordan man kan skabe en optimal rørføring ved hjælp af den smarte planlægningsløsning at kombinere faste og fleksible rørsystemer. German Pipe udarbejder statikberegningerne. 

    Flowtemperatur: 110°C
    Nominelt tryk: PN 16

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Rørsystem med stålkappe

  • Projekt med rørsystem med stålkappe som dampledning i Luterbach, Schweiz


    En dampledning blev monteret mellem forbrændingsanlægget og papirfabrikken. Af visuelle årsager kunne et 836 m langt mellemstykke ikke lægges over jorden, og det overjordiske rør kunne ikke lægges i jorden. Det skulle der findes en løsning på. Krav: 220°C driftstemperatur DN 500, output 45 tons/time


    Der blev lagt et rør med stålkappe. Et FEXWELL DN 100 fremstillet af 1.4404 stål blev brugt til tilbageføringen af kondensvand. Der blev hovedsageligt anvendt dele på 12 m på den 836 m lange strækning. Det var nødvendigt med specialdele ved skift af retning. Det fleksible DN 100 kondensrør kunne lægges i ét stykke mellem brøndene.