The training consisted of two parts. From Monday to Wednesday, our new technicians were trained and tested in theoretical and practical sessions. On Thursday and Friday, our experienced technicians with existing certification were tested and recertified.
The content of the training was based on the sets of rules of the AGFW, the Energy Efficiency Association for Heating, Cooling and CHP, and the BFW, the Federal Association of District Heating Pipelines. The course sessions were conducted by Jens Heyer and Rico Miguel Ruiz, two qualified examiners from the Aachen Chamber of Crafts.
The practical section of the training courses took place in the production halls, while the theoretical parts were held in a meeting room in the main building. Rico Miguel Ruiz led the test units in accordance with AGFW Worksheet FW 603 and Jens Heyer prepared our technicians for the tests in line with the DVS guidelines.