Every story has a beginning A detailed look at our company history
A detailed look at our company history
Corporate history
Every story has a beginning A detailed look at our company history
A detailed look at our company history
Corporate history
Every story has a beginning A detailed look at our company history
A detailed look at our company history
Corporate history
Every story has a beginning A detailed look at our company history
A detailed look at our company history
Every story has a beginning A detailed look at our company history
A detailed look at our company history

The pipe systems division was founded in 1991 as a spin-off of BRUGG Kabel AG.

The key milestones are:

1991 Brugg Rohrsystem AG, Switzerland founded / Brugg PIPE SYSTEMS S.r.l., Italy founded

1993 Brugg Systemy Rurowe Sp. z o.o., Poland founded

1994 Brugg Rohrsysteme GmbH, Germany founded

1994 CALPEX developed to replace NTS/MXT / CALPEX system purchased

1995 Production of CALPEX started

1996 CALPEX production reached 300 km

1996 Isobrugg Stahlmantelrohr GmbH, Germany founded

1997 CALPEX sales accounted for more than 50% of the overall sales / CASAFLEX launched

1998 Brugg relocated to Kleindöttingen

1999 Brugg-PEMA OY, Finland acquired

2003 Brugg Tubes SAS, France founded / EIGERFLEX launched

2007 German Pipe GmbH, Germany acquired (today BRUGG German Pipe GmbH)

2011 BRUGG Pipes LLC, USA founded

2014 BRUGG Pipes Korea Co. Ltd. founded

2015 BRUGG Pipes UK Ltd, United Kingdom acquired

2018 CALPEX PUR-KING launched with the world’s best lambda value (0.0199 W/m*K)

2021 Takeover Skafte A/S from Denmark (BRUGG Denmark A/S) and Skafte Pipesystems AB from Sweden (BRUGG Sweden AB)

2021 Market launch of FLEXSTAR, pre-insulated pipe system with maximum flexibility and stability for heat pumps or local heat distribution networks

2022 Opening of production in Piotrkówek Mały Poland for pipe elbows near Warsaw

2023 Expansion of production capacities for PREMANT pipe system with PE casing at the Kleindöttingen site, Switzerland

2023 Acquisitions of Energie und Umweltsysteme GmbH (etB-EUS), German Allo Isolierungs GmbH and RBG-Rohrsysteme-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, all Germany

2024 Production joint venture with Rovanco Piping Systems in the USA