Close to Austria's oldest glacier ski area, a wastewater pipeline was to be installed from the mountain station to the middle valley station of the gondola lift on the Kitzsteinhorn and integrated into an existing pipeline from the middle to the valley station. Our high-quality EIGERFLEX LONGLINE pipes were used to provide optimum frost protection for the water.
Two EIGERFLEX LONGLINE pipes, each 390 m long, from BRUGG Pipes were used at an altitude of up to 3,000 meters. This demanding installation was carried out in close cooperation with our proven distribution partner KE KELIT and its customers.
The challenges that the workers had to face at this altitude were not limited to the technical implementation, but also included the logistical feat of transporting the material and vehicles over narrow mountain roads to the installation site at an altitude of over 3,000 meters. As the trench was not located directly in the glacier area, but in rocky scree, it first had to be cleared by blasting and drilling. The entire project was heavily dependent on weather conditions and it was essential to keep the trench clear of snow to ensure a flawless technical installation. The construction work was carried out in two phases and lasted from June to October 2023.
To kabellifter åbnede for nylig på Kitzsteinhorn, 3203 meter over havets overflade i Pinzgau-regionen i forbundslandet Salzburg. Vores præisolerede EIGERFLEX rørsystem bliver anvendt som frostsikkert drikke- og spildevandsrør og som forsyningsforbindelse mellem mellemstationen 200 meter længere nede og topstationen (2650 meter over havets overflade).
Der blev udgravet en 1250 meter lang grav i klippeterrænet for at kunne lægge EIGERFLEX rørsystemet. For at sikre driften i skisæsonen skal der for enhver pris sikres modstandsdygtighed mod frost i dette hårde klima. Vi imødekom dette krav ved at anvende enfasede, faste modstandsopvarmningsbånd, som muliggør varmekredsløbslængder på op til 1000 m. Det var muligt at implementere to rørsystemer med blot to strømtilførsler hver, til de projektansvarliges glæde.
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